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Showing posts from July, 2017

A Modern Parable based on a Very Old Joke.

John talks to Clem about skydiving. Clem is hesitant because jumping out of plane just for the sake of falling doesn't make a lot of sense, but John insists that such a stunt will make a big difference in Clem's life. Clem says, "You wouldn't lie to me would you, John."  John says, "No way. I guarantee your life will be better, and jumping will be the greatest experience of your life. And better yet, all those people who made fun of you over the years will look at you in awe and Tweet 'OMG, he jumped out of a plane. LOL." So Clem says, "Well, maybe ... How does it work?" "First," John says, "we go up in a plane--" "What kind of plane?" "Why the very best of planes. Big luxurious seats. Drinks served. It will be the greatest experience of your life. Then the instructor will give you a parachute--" "What kind of parachute?" Clem asks. "The very best kind of parachute. ...