Well, we sprang forward again to enjoy the benefits of a longer daylight afternoon. I don't mind Ben Franklin's conceit all that much, it's the execution I find flawed. First, two arbitrary, early Sunday morning dates are chosen by those in charge for the translation of temporal axes. Few people change their clocks at 2:00 AM, and the surprise the next morning is punctuated by "What time is it?" or groans from revisionistic sleep. [ Congress in the Energy Policy Act of 2005 established that in 2009, daylight time begins on March 8 and ends on November 1] I wear an "atomic" wristwatch synchronized to standard time in Colorado. My watch really isn't atomic, but it is radio linked to the time given by the cesium fountain atomic clock in Boulder. Several clocks in my house have the same feature. My computers get corrected time on-line. I like the automatic adjustment feature. When I wake up Sunday morning in March, the only surprise for me ...